3 Signs You’re Ready for a Virtual Assistant

Written by: Haley Garrison

Written by: Haley Garrison

You don’t have to be Warren Buffett to warrant a Virtual Assistant. That said, continued success requires a smart delegation strategy because as you grow, you just can’t do it all!  Maybe you don’t quite need 40 hours of support per week or you don’t want the financial commitment of hiring a full-time assistant, but you still need some help.  We recognize that there are a lot of business owners, executives, and leaders who fall into space, which is why we created Maven Assist. If you’re reading this article, there’s a pretty good chance you’re self-aware and know you could benefit from additional leverage and support. But just in case you’re still determining whether you’re ready for a Virtual Assistant, we’ve prioritized the top three tell-tale signs that suggest it's time for you to consider a transformative virtual support solution.  

1. Balls are Dropping and Things are Slipping Through the Cracks 

To help you assess whether you need a virtual assistant, we’ve created a list of statements for you to self-identify with. If you discover that you nodded (or even sighed) yes to two or more of these scenarios you could probably use some help juggling all the balls in your court.  

  • I receive multiple follow-up emails or notifications reminding me of outstanding items awaiting my action 

  • I routinely show up late to meetings  

  • I miss project deadlines or end up pushing them out   

  • I am a productivity bottleneck for my direct reports or team members and prevent them from being able to get their work completed as efficiently as possible 

  • I often find myself double-booked for appointments or having scheduling conflicts 

  • I often feel over-extended and overwhelmed 

  • I don’t feel like I have enough time to lead a fulfilling personal life 

2. You Spend More Time than is Ideal on Administrative Tasks 

We get it, you want to be the Executive who can do it all... but imagine all the things you could accomplish if you had just a few hours back in your day. As a leader, you don’t need an expert to tell you that your time should be spent on the bigger picture. You know you need to focus on business strategy, customer relationships and driving revenue. But it’s easy to lose sight of that when you’re knee deep in time-draining tasks and a never-ending to-do list.  

If you’re spending your time rearranging meetings, digging for a Zoom link, tracking down contact information for that referral you received last week, or waiting on hold with customer service, it’s time for a change.  In a universe that is time-constrained, when you say “yes” to something, by default you’re saying “no” to something else. Aim to be the executive who delegates and therefore accomplishes more. Don’t be the executive who tries to do it all, falls short or, worse, burns out.  

3. You’ve Hit a Wall 

You’ve hit a wall because you need more bandwidth. You feel like you’re running out of steam and perhaps losing some of the passion you once had for your business. You need help. Whether it’s freeing up time on your calendar so you can complete the prototype you’ve been working on for a year, scheduling meetings for that next round of funding you’re trying to raise, or planning that vacation you so desperately need, you need support. Whatever your personal roadblock may be, let this be your awakening moment that something’s got to give. You can’t do it all alone. 

Our hope is that this article inspires you to pause and reflect. You can start by asking yourself these three questions: 

  1. What do I want for my personal and business life?   

  2. What do I need to do to get to the next level? 

  3. How would my life improve with administrative relief?  

If you’re ready to take a deeper dive and explore your options, complete our self-assessment to determine whether Maven Assist is the right support solution for you. Our Account Directors are available to connect with you and help you identify the specific areas you could benefit from support. 


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