Getting started with Maven Assist.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Why work with Maven Assist?  

A: As recruiting experts for administrative talent and thought leaders in the Executive Assistant community, we know great support. Over the last eleven years, we’ve matched thousands of Executives and Assistants. Our globally recognized Executive Assistant Podcast, REACH, speaks to our vast knowledge, credibility and advocacy for this specific market. 

Q: Will I be able to interview the candidate chosen for me? How is my Virtual Assistant chosen for me? 

A: With Maven Assist, our team of experts takes into consideration your specific needs, goals, required number of hours of support and any specific capabilities that you require in order to align you with your Virtual Assistant. Prior to matching, all our VAs undergo an extensive interview and skills assessment. If you’re looking to play an active role in interviewing, hiring and training a full-time assistant, we recommend looking into Maven Recruiting Group’s direct hire and temporary recruiting services.  

Q: What if I don’t use all of my hours / how do I keep track of my hours?  

A: We utilize time-tracking software to record time spent working for a Client. Clients will receive a weekly report with hours used. Your VA will work with you to ensure that if there is a remaining balance of hours towards the end of the month, you can direct those hours toward additional projects. Hours do not roll over. 

Q: What does my implementation fee cover? 

A: To set you and your VA up for success, we partner with your VA prior to introducing you two on strategies for mutual success, and we provision them with any software packages you’ve requested. If this is all done beforehand, we can facilitate a seamless handoff on your kickoff call.  

Q: How does billing work? 

A: Billing is completed monthly on the 5th of the month, either by debiting a US-based checking account or billing a US-based credit card. Additional details are available on your payment authorization form.  

Q: When will my Virtual Assistant be available for me? Can I expect daily communication with my VA? 

A: You and your VA will agree on a recurring weekly sync (we recommend a video call), and your VA will return any outreach you make to them by the end of the next business day (if not before). The communication with your VA will vary depending on your support needs. 

Q: What does the Client Onboarding Process look like? 

A: First, you will complete the Needs Assessment and other onboarding documents, and then we get to work pairing you with one of our Virtual Assistants! We’ll be in touch within a few days to setup a kickoff call to introduce you to your new VA. 

Q: What if I’d like someone who is available full-time? 

A: We also offer temporary and direct hire services if you need more direct support than Maven Assist provides. Please ask your Maven Assist Contact if you’d like to compare our programs or open a search with Maven Recruiting Group. 

Q: My Virtual Assistant is so great; I want to hire them! Why is there a fee for that? 

A: Our Virtual Assistants support multiple clients at once, so if you do hire them, their other clients need to be reassigned. There is a cost for Maven Assist if we have to identify a new VA, and additionally, we want to avoid disruptions to the Client relationships. 

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