What Is It Like to be a Virtual Assistant at Maven Assist?

An interview with Maven Assist Virtual Assistant, Sarah D.

How many clients do you currently support? 

5 entrepreneurs and 1 team. 


What types of tasks do you take off your clients' plates? 

All sorts of things! Some clients stick to strictly professional tasks, others primarily use me for personal tasks, and some are a mix of both. I do everything from updating client financial reports to booking dinner reservations, scheduling with external customers to researching the best kind of curtain, paying bills to planning team building events. The possibilities are endless! 


Do you provide executive support or personal support or both? 

Both. I really like the variety. No two days are the same. 


What do you enjoy most about being a Virtual Assistant for Maven Assist? 

I love the support and feeling part of a team. I know that there are always people to turn to if I need advice or have questions. Also, the clients are amazing! Maven has connected me with the most wonderful people. 


What’s the most common challenge a client needs you to solve? 

It really depends on the client, but they all have the similar problem of needing help fitting everything into their day. That’s where I step in. Whether it is taking tasks off their plate, organizing their schedule, or simply holding them accountable, having someone they can pass things off to and can trust not to let things slip is a big relief to them. 


What are some of the personal benefits of being a VA?  

The flexibility is huge! I still try to keep normal working hours, but it’s so nice to be able to schedule appointments whenever I need them. Beyond that, the small things of being able to pop out for a run in the middle of the day or throw in a load of laundry gives me more time in the evening to spend with my family. 


What drew you to Virtual Assistant work? 

I was originally drawn to VA work because of the lack of commute! I hated how much time that took out of my day. I had been an on-site EA in the past, but when the pandemic hit, I didn’t want to be in an office setting anymore. Becoming a VA has pretty much solved all my work woes. I don’t have to commute, I have flexibility, and I have lots of variety in the tasks that I do. There were times in my past jobs when I would get bored, but I’ve never felt that as a VA. All of the tasks are stimulating and use my skillsets. I also get to work with my dogs! 


What drew you specifically to Maven Assist’s program? 

I looked at a number of VA companies, but they all required you to be an independent contractor. To me, independent contractor means difficult taxes, so I wasn’t interested in that! Initially my biggest draw to Maven was that they offered benefits, but the more I talked to them, the more I realized they offered a lot more than that! They offer community, support, ease in connecting you with clients, flexibility, proper compensation, and just overall friendly faces. Everyone on the team is so genuinely nice and is looking out for your best interest. I feel so grateful to have connected with Maven Assist and I love my job!


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